Monday, 30 June 2008



Q1. 曾讓你很感動的事

Q2. 最近最鬱悶的事

Q3. 這輩子做過最瘋狂的事情是什麼


Q5. 做什麼事情是最開心的

Q6. 說出點你點名的人的三個優點
ANS: 愛主(這就夠我學的了),caring and 豪邁

Q7. 說出你希望另一半的三個條件
ANS:愛上帝, 聰慧,有自信

Q8. 你個人內心最深層的恐懼、最害怕發生在自己身上的事情是什麼?

Q9. 如果有上帝願意實現我一個願望,想要求什麼?

Q10. 如果可以回到過去,你的決定會有所不一樣嗎
ANS:一定。I am a person with very firm decision. (我學生好像不認同這個 = = )

Q11. 感情中最大的致命傷是什麼

Q12. 世界末日最後一件事你會做什麼事

Q13. 你(妳)覺得自己是哪一類型的男生(女生)呢

Q14. 要完成些什麼事才會甘心死去

Q15. 最想改變、突破或是彌補自己哪一項的缺點?
ANS:勇氣與力氣 (courage and strength)


Q17. 說出平常你日常生活最享受的三件事

Q18. 三年內一定要完成的事

Q19. 如果你可以過一次虛擬的人生,你會想當哪部電影裡的哪個角色?

Q20. 你希望自己擁有哪三項優點

Q21. 曾有什麼事情讓你到現在一直感到遺憾的

Q22. 你(妳)這輩子的終極目標是什麼
ANS: 順服在主的腳前。

Q23. 用兩種寵物來形容你自己
ANS: Hot Dogs and Cold Cats

Q24. 你期待你將有怎樣的喪禮?
ANS: 如果有機會,我要將我的骨灰灑在大海,讓我的足跡踏遍全世界。

Monday, 2 June 2008

Great Day, Lucky Day (2nd of June)

I decided to use a language which I am comfortable with but not good at to express what I felt today. Firstly Prof. Tony Leggett aka Nobel Laureate finally took him precious time to reply my long email. I was nearly cried out and screamed in front of my computer. My principal saw it and came over, asking what happened to me when I cried "YES!!!".

The answer from him on what I had consulted him 2 weeks ago was neither positive nor negative. In fact he agreed with my ideas on some of the answers to some of my self-answeed questions. To me this considers as a recognition from Nobel Laureate. It makes me thrilled and at the same time I think that the mind of this old gentleman are still very fresh and diligent. I hope I can discuss my questions and my views with him in face again. I had met him twice in NUS and we ended up with a very happy and delighted conversation. Humble, honest yet knowledgeable, he answered what he knew, while he would definitely say "I have no idea" if he had no knowledge on a particular field.

Secondly I got my Advanced Placement Physics B syllabus approved. I submitted last friday and I received the approval this morning in my mailbox. I am the first who received the approval from Collegeboard for the first attempt ( I presume) and I am the first one who received the approval for only 2 - 3 days in the history of Pacific American School. My colleagues who submitted early, got rejected and resubmitted again and the other one still under pending were either envy or "jealous" with me. All of us were very surprised, including my principal.

Not forgot to mention, Beng Thye Brian, Tan, my classmate aka best friend in my class in NUS came and visited me in Taipei on Saturday. We talked a lot about what we had experienced for the past two years in Singlish. I noticed the lady on the far next table were peeping at us, when she overheard our "singlish" conversation. She was either interested on one of us or felt that she saw two weirdos. Compared to previous conservations that we had during our time in NUS. I felt that two of us had indeed grown up and progressed. In another sense, it means we are both mature.

Sometimes I wonder if he is a devil sent by God. He seems to know me well eventhough I did not tell him a lot of things. I barely expressed myself well to him when I was in NUS. Most of the time He guessed and asked if what he had guessed correctly. If the situation was totally devastating, I would speak to him in chinese then he would speak to me in English. Well, Most of the time I find it terrifying when he guessed correctly. To some extends I think I might be "simple-minded" to him as I write my expression of my feeling easily on my face. The most terrifying thing happened on that table at that night, he revived (guessed correctly) the classmate that I am interested throughout four years of undergrads (I did not go after her as she was devoted to her "attachment" at that time). I did not tell anyone, not even to him. I am still wondering how he picks up the information or the hints from my body language.

Anyway I think It is a happy day for today. It's God's grace for whatever that happened to me today. Rejoice to Gloria of the Christ, siting on the throne at the Heaven. At the same time, Thanks for the lucky star, Brian. To some extends, you are my 貴人。Thank you for the wonderful night and meal.